Karl England. Refresh. Karl England. Refresh.

Karl England. Refresh. Karl England. Refresh.
foto: Kirstine Mengel


Karl England. Refresh. Karl England. Refresh.

Den britiske kunstner Karl England udstiller på M100.

Udstillingen er en interaktiv videoinstallation, hvor kunstneren vil performe på åbningsaftnen.

I løbet af udstillingsperioden kan besøgende bidrage til et samlet videoværk som vises under årets filmfestival OFF19.

Karl England arbejder med video, konstruktioner, programsprog og med netværk mellem mennesker.

På den aktuelle udstilling vises i det ene rum en konstruktion hvor kunstneren opholder sig under ferniseringen. I det andet rum vises en video af konstruktionens tilblivelse. Samtidig optages en video som senere er det blivende værk i den samlede installation.

>>Det specialfremstillede forsyningssystem genfinder sig selv her [del 3]. Dette særlige forsyningssystem er skabt som bevis for systemers kreative muligheder; den fysiske manifestation ved fremvisning og aflæsning som simultant er over og under; formidlingens metoder som kritik; kulturens varer som fællesskab; det ’andet’ som forældet; indkredsning som angreb; indhold som tjener for systemet; indhold som system. Form som Indhold, System som Form, Indhold som Form.<<

Udstillingen vil være performativ, skulpturel og filmisk. Karl England. Refresh. Karl England. Refresh. skaber en sær afstand mellem kunstner og beskuer, kunstværk og betragter. De skulpturelle og performative aspekter vil udgøre en dialog med det filmiske indhold, med det mål at genforbinde ideen til kunstværket og at gøre beskueren til en form for kreativt aktiv.

I løbet af udstillingsperioden kan de besøgende bidrage til en videoproduktion som vil blive vist i M100 under dette års OFF19 filmfestival.

Videoværket Sluice. Refresh. fokuserer på betragteren, den der aktiverer ethvert kunstværk. Sluice. Refresh. er en kollaborativ filmisk indsats som repræsenterer en DIY, DIWO, decentraliseret gonzo kreativ øvelse der forbinder Odenses indbyggere med et globalt online netværk, som implicit undersøger naturen af forholdet mellem skaber og betragter, i sammenhæng med det aktive publikums rolle.

Karl England er født i New Zealand og bosiddende i London, UK. Uddannet på bla. Wimbledon School of Art, London. Er initiativtager og leder af organisationen Sluice som samler et verdensomspændende netværk af kunstnerdrevne udstillingssteder i begivenheder som Sluice artfair, Exchange Rates og Sluice Magazine. Se http://www.sluice.info/

Udstillingen kunne ses på M100 3. – 25. august. Og resultatet af videoprojektet kunne ses under Odense International Film Festival – OFF19 29.- 31. august.

Karl England. Refresh. Karl England. Refresh. foto: Kirstine Mengel

Text by Daniel Devlin
Daniel Devlin interviews Karl England

DD: So tell me about this show at M100.

KE: OK, so there will be a part A and a part B: Part A is called Karl England.refresh and part B is called Sluice.refresh.

The first part will be a performative, sculptural screening: The work will be made entirely on site at M100 in the week preceding the opening. The creation of the exhibition will be filmed and the show will consist of the work and a projection of the making of the work. Part B Sluice.refresh will build on part A with an open submission showreel which will be compiled in response to Part A and more broadly in response to the theme of authorship vs spectatorship in the context of the activated audience.

DD: This reminds me of the piece that you did at Dolph a few years ago, the one where you built a projection screen and filmed yourself building it and then the exhibition was the video of the construction of the screen projected on that same screen.

KE: I think everything I create is just the by-product of a creative enquiry, whether it’s ‘art’ or a magazine or an event is all the same – as long as it stems from a genuine place of seeking.

When I make something it’s defined by my limitations. I like the idea that the whole edifice of presentation is built on shaky ground. If the work seems underwhelming or unresolved then that’s ok as in represents the reality of an artistic pursuit which only achieves any utility when a connection is made between my intent and the viewers engagement.

DD: And the second part of the show, the Sluice element, will be the same but instead of the projection of the making of the show, you will be screening short videos sent to you by artists?

KE: Whether they’re artists or not is irrelevant, we’re just looking for video submissions from people that are interested in responding viscerally to the theme. The two elements are a kind of call and response, Karl England.refresh sets up a proposition which is answered by Sluice.refresh. What does an art look like that activates the viewer in a participatory role?

DD:  I like the idea of you, as the artist or the director of Sluice doing these things which are all very fragile and which you will go for regardless but thinking “I hope it won’t collapse”, although I personally think that if you crashed down, it would be quite cool too.

Karl England is represented by Sračok & Pöhlmann

Karl is director of Sluice, an initiative that works with artist-led culture
Sluice.refresh curatorial partners are IMT Gallery and S&P Gallery


Karl England. Refresh. Karl England. Refresh. foto: Kirstine Mengel
Karl England. Refresh. Karl England. Refresh. foto: Kirstine Mengel
Karl England. Refresh. Karl England. Refresh. foto: Kirstine Mengel
Karl England. Refresh. Karl England. Refresh. foto: Kirstine Mengel